LensGo AI: Free Text to Image & Video Generator (Tutorial)

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Are you in search of a text-to-image and video generator? If so, you’ve landed on the right article. In my exploration of the internet, I discovered an AI tool called Lensgo AI that enables the creation of stunning images, videos, and animations with just a simple text prompt. LensGo is a free AI tool that allows you to create attractive images and videos. Interested in trying it out? Of course, you should be. In this article, I will guide you through and review LensGo AI, also suggesting some of the best alternatives. So please stick with me until the end, and let’s dive in.

What is LensGo AI

LensGo AI is a free, web-based AI-powered platform that generates attractive images and videos. Leveraging artificial intelligence, it converts text into visually appealing images and videos. The platform boasts a diverse set of features, encompassing the creation of images, videos, and the training of models for enhanced customization options. Users can opt for pre-existing models or take advantage of the training feature to generate personalized images. Moreover, it facilitates restyling images and transforming styles, even allowing for character switching in videos.

How to Use LensGo AI

Step 1

Firstly, visit the website to use or create images and videos. After accessing the website, click “Login” on the right. You can use your email or sign up directly with Google.

Step 2

You can generate both images and videos, but let’s start with an image. Click on “Create Images” to begin the process.

Step 3

Type your prompt: “A AI beautiful boy editing his photo with AI tools using machine learning.” Next, selected a model; I chose “anime.” Specify the image dimensions and the desired number of images. Adjust the text guidance scale according to your preference. If you wish to exclude specific elements from the image, provide negative prompts to instruct the model accordingly.

Here’s Result

The result is truly astonishing, and I genuinely liked the images, as you can see. However, there was one disappointment—the tool added its watermark. Commenting on the result, overall, how did yours turn out?

Creating Video

Now, let’s create a video. Click on the “Animate Videos” section.

Step 1

Type your prompt or imagine your creation. For my prompt, I entered, “In a lively city, two strangers cross paths in a park, creating a brief, heartwarming connection. This short video captures the magic of unexpected encounters and the joy found in fleeting moments of shared humanity.”

Step 2

Select the model, either real or anime, and choose the image dimensions. Then, select the video duration—normal or longer. Lastly, decide on the camera movement; there are various movements available, so choose the one that suits your vision.

Step 3

Wait until the video creation process is complete. Note that creating a video can take much more time than generating an image, so please be patient.

What is the result?

As I expected, the video did not meet my expectations, although the image met my standards. In video creation, AI should improve itself. I have checked all the models in the AI, and while they are decent, they don’t exhibit the level of beauty and creativity I was hoping for.


  1. Create Image: It can generate images in a wide range of model styles, such as Real, Anime, Fantasy Scenes, Ink Painting Style, Game House Design, Pixar Style, Vintage Comic Characters, High Saturation and Colorful Style, Elden Ring Style, and 3D Design, among others.
  2. Animate Video: It can create videos in a diverse array of model styles, as discussed in the image section.
  3. Training & Models: This feature allows you to train the model on your own. You can customize it according to your needs by providing a name for the model, selecting the base model, and uploading sample images and videos to train the model.

Who can Benefit from it?

  1. Photo & Video Editor: It can be highly beneficial for photo and video editors looking to create images and videos with a wide range of models.
  2. Animator: An animator can leverage it to create videos in anime styles.
  3. Content Creator: It proves advantageous for content creators aiming to produce engaging videos and images.
  4. Marketer: Marketers can benefit by using it to create sales promotion images and videos, enhancing sales strategies.

What Problem Does It Solve

It addresses various challenges faced by those striving to create engaging, visually appealing, and attractive images and videos. This tool helps save valuable time and enhances effectiveness. It facilitates the creation of engaging images and videos, bringing anime animations to life, and has the potential to elevate sales through strategically crafted images and videos.


LensGo has alternatives such as Ideogram AI Leonardo AI, Pika Labs, Nightcafe AI, and Moonvalley AI, which I have personally used. You can explore these alternatives in the blog post, and most of them operate on a free or daily credit basis.


LensGo AI is a free, text-to-image, and video AI-powered platform enabling the creation of images and animation of videos based on personalized text prompts. You can generate images and videos effortlessly with simple text prompts, resulting in creatively and elegantly designed visuals. While the AI-generated images are eye-catching and elegant, the videos, unfortunately, may not be as creative and elegant, falling short of expectations.

The platform offers a diverse array of models to bring your ideas and creativity to life. I trust that my step-by-step guidance, and insights into benefits, features, and alternatives have helped provide a comprehensive review. It’s recommended to use this AI tool for your specific tasks and work, whether it be for fun, content creation, marketing strategies, or animations. If you have any queries, feel free to ask.


Is LensGo AI Free?

Lensgo AI offers a free plan with 100 daily credits and has three pricing structures standard at $6 per month for 1,000 monthly credits
, Pro at $22 per month for 4,000 monthly credits, and Mega at $49 per month for 10,000 monthly credits.

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Hi, I'm AI Parker (my real name is Ryder Parker, but I prefer to represent myself as AI). I'm an AI enthusiast who has used over 30 AI tools, and that number is growing every day as I continue to explore new ones. I'm incredibly passionate about writing about AI tools and their real-world applications.

2 thoughts on “LensGo AI: Free Text to Image & Video Generator (Tutorial)”

  1. I purchased/subscribed to Lens Go AI standard plan after trying the free version a few times…..I was really impressed with what would be possible….It generated videos to animations a few times for me. (3 or 4)..and then won’t generate anymore …I’ve tried to contact with the only one email I found …no reply….and tried phoning the one number I found…left a message with my details and explaining…again no response…do you know a good contact for them that I can get answers etc..and/or … please suggest what I can do


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