Krea AI Review: Pricing, Features & Alternatives (Tutorial)

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Have you ever wondered about an AI tool that can generate results and designs in real time from simple text prompts? If not, let me introduce you to a new tool called Krea AI. This AI tool is going to revolutionize your images and designs using 2,500 AI models to deliver high-quality visuals. In this article, I will give you an overview of Krea AI and cover its features, alternatives, key points, and ultimate tutorial. So read through to the end of the article. Let’s dive in!

What is Krea AI?

Krea AI is an AI-powered tool that generates high-quality visuals and images in real-time using artificial intelligence. With over 2,500 AI models, it can create visuals in all styles and concepts. This allows users to render professional visuals, ideas, and designs simply by providing text prompts. While it was created mainly for optimizing art, image, product, and architecture design, it stands out as a real-time creative companion for all types of creators. The tool gives full control over the AI to produce results fast.

How to Use Krea AI

Step 1

First, navigate to the Krea AI website. The home page has a fantastic, one-of-a-kind design unlike anything I’ve seen before.

Step 2

Click the signup button and select either your Gmail or Google account to sign in.

Step 3

Click “Let’s personalize your experience” and then select one of the options for “What describes you best?” Next, choose one of the options for “Which industries do you work in?” After that, select one of the options for “What tools are you most familiar with?” Finally, click the Confirm button.

Step 4

Fill in the “Tell us about you” section. Finally, if you already have an invite code, enter it. Otherwise, you will be added to the waitlist, as I was. I waited over 5 days and still did not receive an invite code. However, I got one by joining the Krea AI Discord server, and I can provide that invite code here later for anyone who comments.


Using this invite code allows you to skip the waitlist, so you can immediately start enjoying creating designs

Step 5

After signing in, you will see a page like this, which indicates you are now on the waitlist for real-time generation. Since I’m still waitlisted too, you will likely have the same experience. I’m not yet sure how to bypass the waitlist, but I will do my best to figure out how to unlock real-time generation access.

In the meantime, you can still use features like Upscale & Enhance, AI Patterns, and Logo Illustrations while waiting for full access.


Creating Fantastic Images with AI Patterns

In the Apps section, you’ll find all the available features. Let’s start with AI Patterns and take a look at some results and prompts. I used AI Patterns to generate a result like this – I entered the prompt “Washing Machine” using Circle Preset 1. Here is the output:

The output was decent, but I expected better results from the AI Patterns feature.

I tried another pattern that yielded fabulous results. I simply entered the prompt “Garden” and, as you can see, the output is wonderful:

Enhance Your Image with Upscale & Enhance

While using the Upscale and Enhance feature, I realized the tool doesn’t just enlarge and refine images – it also alters elements within them. For example, when I uploaded a picture of an electric car, it changed and sharpened the logo during the upscale process. Specifically, this feature upscales by adding more nuanced details, rather than just increasing resolution. It eliminates blurriness and introduces some new objects and textures where none existed originally. Overall, Upscale and Enhance make images clearer while also taking artistic license to transform them.

Create a Fun, Witty Logo with Logo Illusions

I tried the Logo Illusions feature using the ready-made prompt: “Deep-sea city with merfolk and submerged ruins, channeling underwater fantasy anime.” First, I used the Instagram logo as a reference image, and the AI-generated output was truly creative and engaging. Next, I input my logo as the reference. This unique, illusion-style rendition more than fulfilled my expectations – the output was simply remarkable:

Amazing Real Time Generation

Finally, I got the real-time generation feature that’s why I didn’t proceed with the article because I wanted to use this feature. As I can access the feature then you also access the the feature. now coming to real-time generation: to create an amazing image with real-time generation follow these steps:

Step 1

First, to create a unique image, you’ll want to remove the circle and square defaults and blank the canvas.

Step 2

After blanking the canvas, you can simply draw whatever you’d like. You also have the option to describe the desired image using text prompts.

Step 3

As an example, I used the following prompt: “Garnet Monster drinking in a bar, luminescent, stunning realistic photograph, wet structure, steampunk, 3D render, octane render, intricately detailed, sharp focus, cinematic, trending on art station, rim lighting, centered, bokeh, doh.”

The resulting image can be seen here

You can improve results by increasing the AI Strength slider to the right of the text prompt.

Note – Directly copying and pasting prompts won’t work as the tool generates images uniquely in real-time.

As you can see, the image changes significantly when adjusting the AI Strength. However, maxing it out at 100% may not yield what you originally envisioned in your prompt.

When it comes to drawing your image, first, clean the canvas and adjust the Brush settings to your needs – though I suggest using a thinner width, as that allows for more precise illustration.

As you can see, I drew the initial sketch and then decreased the AI Strength. When I increased it, the tool rendered a more realistic image. However, based on my experience, if you raise the AI Strength too high, it will deteriorate the quality of results.

What is the Experience

Overall, I had a pretty good experience using Krea AI’s different features. Starting with AI Patterns – I wasn’t fully satisfied initially, though some results like the “Garden” preset were nice. Upscale and enhance enhanced image quality and added attractive elements. Logo Illusions also worked nicely for the logos I tried. The real standout was Real-Time Generation – amazing to get rapid results from text prompts. I was very impressed! Lastly, with the Drawing feature, my rough sketches produced great real-time renderings. While a bit hit-or-miss across features, when Krea AI worked well, I got fantastic output. When it is missed, results could still use some improvement. I’d describe my overall adventure with Krea as a moderately positive experience.


it offers price structures Free and Pro


  • 50 image generations/day
  • 10 video generations/day
  • 3 AI trainings after sign in
  • Up to 2 parallel image generations


  • Unlimited image generations
  • Unlimited video generations
  • 5 AI trainings/month
  • Up to 8 parallel image generations
  • Commercial license
  • Fast generations
  • Private images
  • Private AI trainings


Alternatives to Krea AI include Lensgo AI, Leonardo AI, Getimg AI, Run Diffusion, and

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Hi, I'm AI Parker (my real name is Ryder Parker, but I prefer to represent myself as AI). I'm an AI enthusiast who has used over 30 AI tools, and that number is growing every day as I continue to explore new ones. I'm incredibly passionate about writing about AI tools and their real-world applications.

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